
Iwaslookingmainlyforawaytomanageandsharetodolistswithgooglecalendarintegration.ItestedallLTDoffersonappsumo.,Hi,IpurchasedFlowluthroughAppSumoacoupleofyearsagoandhaverecentlystartedusingtheapp.Icurrentlyhavethreeaccountssetup,butacoupleof ...,GoodtoolthatworksasadvertisedbesidesafewbugsI'vefound–namelysomepabblyintegrationtriggersdon'twork.They'reconstantlyimprovingand ...,Itestedseveralplatfo...

Flowlu Review

I was looking mainly for a way to manage and share to do lists with google calendar integration. I tested all LTD offers on appsumo.

Flowlu Review

Hi, I purchased Flowlu through AppSumo a couple of years ago and have recently started using the app. I currently have three accounts set up, but a couple of ...

Flowlu Review

Good tool that works as advertised besides a few bugs I've found – namely some pabbly integration triggers don't work. They're constantly improving and ...

Flowlu Review

I tested several platforms here at AppSumo (and outside) for managing my business. Agiled, Jumppl, Evernote, Stackby, Noysi, FlowyTeam, and some more (I ...

Also bought with Flowlu

Project planning for design projects, made visual. Rapidly iterate design plans with your team. 4.93 ...

Flowlu Review

Email feature is perfect. I think that creating tasks directly from emails and possibility to see conversation also inside contacts will make my work easier. I ...

Flowlu Review

Absolutely happy with this software. I love everything it does, It is a perfect CRM for almost all types of Businesses,


Flowlu is a complete suite of project and business management tools, including a CRM, invoicing, kanban board, white-label functionality, and client portal.

AppSumo Flowlu Lifetime Deal $79

2023年11月7日 — Flowlu Lifetime Deal offers a comprehensive suite of tools that cover both customer relationship management (CRM) and project management needs.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
